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AirAsia MOVE旗下的票务平台 MOVETIX 与 Ticketmelon 合作以提升东盟活动预订体验

吉隆坡,2024 年 9 月 26 日 — AirAsia MOVE 应用程序上的全球活动和演唱会票务平台— MOVETIX,很高兴宣布与该地区首屈一指的票务和活动技术平台之一 Ticketmelon 建立战略合作伙伴关系。 

此次合作将把 Ticketmelon 在东盟地区超过 300,000 张门票的大量库存整合到AirAsia MOVE 应用程序中,为旅行者和活动参与者提供无缝体验,预订航班、住宿、活动门票甚至机场接送服务——所有这些都可在一个便捷的应用程序中完成。

MOVETIX 首席执行官 Hassan Choudhury,Ticketmelon 首席执行官 Panupong Tejapaibul 代表双方举行了合作协议签约仪式。出席签约仪式的还有 Capital A 首席执行官兼 MOVE Digital 执行主席 Tony Fernandes、AirAsia MOVE 首席执行官 Nadia Omer、AirAsia MOVE 首席营销官 Ravi Shankar、Ticketmelon 商业总监 Teerarit Saubhayana 和 Ticketmelon 营销主管 Som Puangladda
此次合作正值现场活动旅游业以前所未有的速度增长之际,其中体育旅游独领风骚,其价值达到 5647 亿美元,预计到 2032 年将增长近一倍,达到 1.33 万亿美元,而音乐旅游预计将额外贡献 138 亿美元,是其目前 66 亿美元估值的两倍多*。

Capital A 首席执行官兼 MOVE Digital 执行主席 Tony Fernandes 表示:“我们希望让每个人参加东盟任何活动或音乐会的梦想成为现实,并尽可能降低成本。我们的 OTA 平台 AirAsia MOVE 不仅能预订酒店和航班,还能为您带来前所未有的体验。我们期待与 Ticketmelon 团队密切合作,我要感谢他们迄今为止所做的出色工作,并感谢他们信任 AirAsia MOVE 能为他们服务。

AirAsia MOVE 旗下 MOVETIX 首席执行官 Hassan Choudhury 表示:“我们正处于非常激动人心的时代,尤其是该地区年轻、充满活力的人口和不断增长的可支配收入,他们是不断增长的全球粉丝群的一部分,他们将花钱前往观看体育和音乐会等标志性的现场活动。随着 Ticketmelon 的活动列表与AirAsia MOVE 的整合,旅行者将以前所未有的方式观看各种音乐会、节日和活动,使他们能够比以往更方便地在一个地方规划整个行程。我们期待与 Ticketmelon 携手合作,利用彼此的优势,为该地区带来最好的现场活动。


Ticketmelon 首席执行官 Panupong Tejapaibul 补充道:“我们见证了整个地区活动行业的巨大增长,Ticketmelon 正逐渐成为音乐和娱乐活动的重要中心。与 AirAsia MOVE 的合作标志着我们的另一个重要里程碑,两家领先的地区公司携手提升音乐和活动旅游的体验。这个行业的增长潜力是显而易见的,我们很高兴能与 AirAsia MOVE 结合我们的优势,为东盟各地的活动参与者提供无与伦比的体验。

通过此次合作,Ticketmelon 将获得 AirAsia MOVE 庞大且活跃的用户群,从而帮助他们开拓新市场和新人群。与此同时,AirAsia MOVE 将继续扩大其产品范围,成为满足该地区所有旅行相关需求的首选平台,巩固其作为东盟最受欢迎旅行伙伴的地位。

*** 完结 *** 

*Report by Collinson Group 

About AirAsia MOVE

AirAsia MOVE, formerly known as airasia Superapp is the newest online travel agent+ (OTA+) in town, providing a seamless and personalised experience for travellers at the best value in Asean and beyond. Its vision is to be Asean’s favourite travel companion, by creating inclusive and delightful journeys, all the way. 

AirAsia MOVE’s ecosystem includes OTA services such as flight bookings from over 700 airlines, including the World’s Best Low-Cost Carrier AirAsia and over 900,000 hotels world-wide plus airport transfers, events & experiences, insurance, duty-free shopping and more, underpinned by integrated financial services by BigPay, as well as a robust loyalty program, AirAsia Rewards. It has been recognised by World Travel Awards as ‘Asia’s Leading Online Travel Agency 2023’ in its first nomination in the OTA category. Download the AirAsia MOVE app via the Apple App Store, Google Play Store and Huawei App Gallery.

Both AirAsia MOVE and BigPay are part of MOVE Digital, the digital arm of Capital A Berhad.

About Ticketmelon 

Ticketmelon is Southeast Asia’s leading ticketing and event technology company, dedicated to transforming the event experience for both organizers and attendees. The robust platform offers a seamless blend of cutting-edge ticketing solutions, cashless payment systems, innovative in-event digital features, and live streaming services, designed to meet the demands of even the most complex events. With a commitment to providing exceptional support, Ticketmelon ensures a flawless execution from start to finish.

Founded in 2015, Ticketmelon has grown to serve over 1.7 million users and 3,400 organizers worldwide, with more than 1 million tickets sold annually. We have a strong presence across the region, with offices in Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Indonesia. continually expanding our reach and impact in the global event industry.

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MOVE Communications Team