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Asia Digital Engineering (ADE) 与 GMF 宣布战略性合资 拓展起落架服务

巴厘岛,2024年9月18日 - Asia Digital Engineering (ADE),壹必投集团旗下维修、修理和翻新(MRO)的全资子公司与印尼领先的 MRO 供应商 PT Garuda Maintenance Facility Aero Asia Tbk (GMF)今日宣布双方的战略性合资。这项合作标志着两个公司的重要里程碑,一同结合他们的专业知识和资源来改变该区域的起落架服务,并制定新的行业标准。

这一具有重要意义的合作于2024年印尼巴厘岛国际航空展 (BIAS) 上举行,强调了这项合资对航空业的重要性。

GMF 提供全面的起落架翻新和维修服务,当中包括起落架部件的完整拆卸、检查、维修和重组。 该公司配有先进科技并拥有获得国际航空当局认证的最先进设施,以确保提供最高质量的服务。这项合资对 ADE 和 GMF 来说都是关键的一步,使他们能够扩大各自的服务范围并进军东南亚强劲的起落架服务市场。通过将 ADE 的创新工程能力与 GMF 成熟的专业知识相结合,这项合作旨在为该地区的航空公司提供世界顶流的起落架解决方案。

ADE 首席执行官 Mahesh Kumar 说:“我们对 GMF 起落架业务的投资为战略性的一步,旨在加速我们的发展并巩固 ADE 作为航空业 MRO 领域领导者的地位。随着我们的14号线 MRO 机库现已全面投入运营及我们的数字产品获得国际认可,与 GMF 的合作可谓恰逢其时。通过将 GMF 在起落架服务方面的专业知识与我们的顶尖效率结合,我们将为这行进行改革并建立新的基准。此合作具有变革性,我们也它将带来的显着进步感到高兴。”

GMF 首席执行官 Andi Fahrurrozi 表示:“这项合资与我们想要扩大 GMF 全球 MRO 市场足迹的愿景一致。ADE 的前卫思维和对创新的承诺补充了我们在起落架服务方面的既定经验。我们共同致力于提高我们的服务质量、效率和范围,使东南亚成为航空维修领域的领导者。我们期待解锁新的机遇,并为我们的共同客户提供卓越的价值。”

ADE 和 GMF 之间的合作伙伴关系不仅增强了两家公司的服务能力,还反映了东南亚作为航空创新和卓越维护中心日益增长的重要性。

About Asia Digital Engineering (ADE)

Founded in September 2020, ADE is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Capital A Berhad , based in Klia2, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ADE leverages the AirAsia’s Engineering Department’s best practices and unsurpassed combined experience in the region. ADE offers a range of aircraft services for line maintenance, base maintenance, workshop, component and warehouse services, and engineering support services.

Equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure and facilities and our vast experience in airline engineering managing the world’s best low-cost airline, ADE aims to uphold the highest standards when it comes to professional integrity, quality, reliability, driving greater efficiencies and safety, for all of our customers at all times.

About GMF

PT Garuda Maintenance Facility Aero Asia Tbk (GMF) is a company engaged in the provision of industrial

services, as well as the repair, maintenance, and overhaul of aircraft. As the largest aircraft MRO (Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul) company in Indonesia with over 70 years of experience, GMF initially started as a division of PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, located at Soekarno Hatta International Airport. GMF has served more than 190 customers across more than 60 countries. In carrying out its business activities, GMF has been recognized by aviation authorities around the world with certifications from more than 25 countries, including the FAA (United States), EASA (Europe), and DGCA (Indonesia). In 2017, GMF officially became a publicly traded company by offering its shares to the public under the ticker code GMFI. Currently, GMF is expanding its operations to enter the power services and defense industries segments. As a result, GMF is expected to realize its vision of becoming the most valuable MRO company through its mission of providing integrated and reliable maintenance solutions as a contribution

to the nation and the state.

Media Queries: 

ADE : Aziz Laikar | | +6.012.366.9745

GMF : Khairani Windyaningrum | | +62 822 1667 8282