

雪邦,2020年4月5日 - 亚航集团旗下的亚航基金会(AirAsia Foundation)今日发起了公众在线捐赠运动为亚航集团#InThisTogether活动的一部分努力,从今日起至2020年4月30日筹款帮助受疫情影响的弱势社群。

所有捐款将纳入社会企业及慈善机构,例如:Perak State ParksSEED FoundationBeyond Borders Malaysia 为原住民家庭、无家可归者与难民提供食物和医药物资。


捐赠者可通过亚航基金会专用筹款网站https://airasiafoundation.com/relieffund;或使用BigPay金融应用程序中转账至AirAsia Foundation;或(从2020年4月6日起)通过国内银行转账进行捐款。


BigPay首席执行员兼联合创始人Christopher Davison说:“在这一次的合作中,我们的首要考量是确保捐赠者能安全地从家里尽一份力和支持拯救行动的前线人员。BigPay的目标是确保所有社会阶层可利用普惠金融。这次的活动也概括了我们更广泛的使命。”


亚航在#InThisTogether活动下将重新调配其商务与航空平台而为小型商家与弱势社群提供援助。除了亚航基金会的筹款活动,亚航也通过其电子商务平台OURSHOP与Teleport递送服务为受疫情影响而被迫关闭实体店的商家提供电子商务递送方案。任何对‘Save Our Shops’(S.O.S)倡议有兴趣的商家可浏览airasia.com获取更多资迅。



About AirAsia Foundation

AirAsia Foundation is committed to helping build an ASEAN Community of the future by advocating social entrepreneurship, equal opportunity, and innovation. As the philanthropic arm of the AirAsia Group, it provides social enterprise grants to empower underprivileged individuals, and supports projects that preserve and revive the region’s unique cultural heritage. Since its establishment in 2012, it has funded 28 social enterprises, creating an impact in the lives of over 2,800 direct beneficiaries. For more information, go to https://www.airasiafoundation.com. 

About BigPay 

BigPay is re-imagining financial products and services across Southeast Asia by building a consumer focused platform to deliver fair and transparent financial services.

We want to help a new generation take back control of their money, and rediscover the value of financial services. Our goal is to empower our customers with the skills and knowledge to make the right financial decisions. BigPay launched in January 2018 and is growing rapidly in one of the fastest-growing markets in the world. Our headquarters is in Singapore, and we have offices in Kuala Lumpur, Thailand and soon across ASEAN. 

We are a homegrown Southeast Asian brand. We are the first challenger bank in Southeast Asia. Our mission is to use technology and data to make financial inclusion a reality for the region.