Media Statement: AirAsia collaborates with Tourism Malaysia to offer Cuti-Cuti Malaysia RM50 e-voucher to drive domestic tourism

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KUALA LUMPUR, 24 NOV 2020 - AirAsia applauds the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture (MOTAC) for taking proactive steps in announcing a detailed Stimulus Recovery Plan to reinvigorate the national economy through domestic tourism, which involves the Cuti-Cuti Malaysia campaign and cooperation with travel industry players. 

As one of the airlines participating in this stimulus plan, AirAsia will be distributing RM50 e-vouchers to 24,000 domestic travellers which in turn will stimulate domestic tourism and help generate income for tourism-related businesses such as hotels, restaurants, tour operators and more. 

The e-vouchers will be made available for public redemption on our website, very soon. Stay tuned and follow us on Twitter (,  Facebook ( and Instagram ( for the latest updates. 

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The above statement can be attributed to Riad Asmat, CEO AirAsia Malaysia 

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