Posts in AirAsia Academy
airasia academy 与 MyCreative Ventures 联手通过 Bina Kerjaya计划增强马来西亚人的自我发展

Capital A 的教育科技平台,airasia academy 宣布与马来西亚政府所有的投资及授权于支持创意领域的公司 MyCreative Ventures 正式合作,通过 Bina Kerjaya计划 推广马来西亚人的自我发展。这次的合作旨在通过为非正式和未来劳动力提供所需的技能,扩大并提高马来西亚劳动力市场的效率。这将确保劳工能在当今的就业市场中获得正式的就业机会,从而与工业革命 4.0 (IR 4.0) 保持一致。

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airasia academy joins forces with MyCreative Ventures to empower self development among Malaysians through Bina Kerjaya Programme

airasia academy, the edutech and leadership platform of Capital A, has announced that it will officially partner with MyCreative Ventures, a Malaysian government-owned investment company mandated to support the creative industry,  in promoting self development among Malaysian through the Bina Kerjaya Programme. This partnership is set to amplify its bid to improve Malaysia’s labour market efficiency by equipping the informal and future workforce with the required skills to secure formal employment in today’s dynamic job market, aligned with the Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0).

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airasia academy, MyCreative Ventures jalin kerjasama memperkasa pembangunan diri dalam kalangan rakyat Malaysia melalui Program Bina Kerjaya

airasia academy, cabang teknologi pendidikan dan kepimpinan Capital A, telah mengumumkan ia secara rasmi menjalin kerjasama dengan MyCreative Ventures, sebuah syarikat pelaburan milik kerajaan Malaysia yang diberi mandat untuk menyokong industri kreatif tempatan, dalam memperkasa pembangunan diri dalam kalangan belia Malaysia melalui Program Bina Kerjaya. Kerjasama ini juga adalah sebahagian usaha syarikat itu dalam meningkatkan kecekapan pasaran pekerjaan di Malaysia dengan menyediakan kemahiran yang diperlukan oleh tenaga kerja tidak formal dan masa hadapan dalam mendapatkan pekerjaan formal di dalam landskap pekerjaan dinamik hari ini, sejajar dengan Revolusi Perindustrian 4.0 (IR 4.0).

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Capital A, airasia academy hosts Minister of Youth and Sports, joins forces to empower Malaysia’s youth and Para Athletes in a rapidly changing economy

In a collaboration aimed at uplifting the socioeconomic status of Malaysia's youth, airasia academy, the edutech platform of Capital A, proudly welcomed the delegation from the Ministry of Youth and Sports Malaysia (KBS), led by the Minister of Youth and Sports, YB Hannah Yeoh, to its learning and training centre this Friday.

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airasia academy ties up with Ministry of Human Resources to uplift TVET talents readiness for IR 4.0

The edutech platform of Capital A, airasia academy, is looking forward to achieving and realising the goals and objectives set in its Memorandum of Collaboration (MoC) with the Ministry of Human Resources Malaysia (MOHR) that was signed earlier in March. The initiative was aimed at fortifying the skill sets of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) students, along with upskilling the esteemed MOHR staff through digital and soft skills training. 

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airasia academy joins forces with MYSED, PERKESO to upskill the future workforce

airasia academy, the edutech platform of Capital A, has joined hands with the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Entrepreneur Development Sarawak (MYSED) and the Social Security Organisation (PERKESO) Sarawak, to provide essential digital and soft skills training to Sarawakian youths. The partnership, aimed at humanising education and supercharging the digital economy within the Asean region, is designed to thrust Sarawakian youth into the forefront of the rapidly evolving digital landscape.

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