#InThisTogether: Living the Work-from-Home-Allstar Life!

Indeed, all of us across the globe live in an unprecedented time where working from home is the new normal. While some find it hard to cope with at first, many have grown accustomed to it and develop new ways to not just adapt, but also to learn and improve ourselves while staying safe at home. 

At AirAsia, it is no different as all of us are #InThisTogether. 

Allstars are a creative and talented bunch, and in almost the blink of an eye, once the movement control order started in Malaysia (on 18th March) followed by a few other Asean countries, there was a list of things to keep all of us occupied while staying at home (aside from working, of course). 

Allstars WFH activities calendar

Allstars WFH activities calendar

From cooking lessons, language classes, exercise regimens to origami sessions, there is something for everyone across the whole AirAsia Group to go through this tough season together. 

However, aside from these fun elements, Allstars are taking the opportunity to reskill and upskill themselves with digital skill sets that will allow them to navigate through an increasingly new business landscape especially in a post-COVID-19 environment. 

This learning opportunity is made available through AirAsia’s RedBeat Academy - a one-stop tech, leadership and innovation academy aiming to be the catalyst to fulfil resources for a digital economy within the region, beginning with Malaysia. RedBeat Academy is a collaboration between AirAsia Group’s corporate venture arm, RedBeat Ventures with Google. 

Since the work-from-home rule started, over 1000 AirAsia Allstars from various functions, including pilots and cabin crew have signed up to be part of RedBeat Academy, signifying a strong hunger for learning across the organisation aside from a workforce who share the company’s digital vision. 

Lessons covering five different learning paths have commenced in webinar format involving up to 800 Allstars per session. Each Allstar will receive certification from Google upon completion. Allstars are able to follow learning paths from these topics: 

  • ICT & Cloud Architecture

  • Data Analytics/Engineering/Science

  • IT Security, Cyber Security

  • Marketing, Products

  • Product UI/UX

Redbeat academy.png

Let’s hear what Aireen Omar, President (RedBeat Ventures) AirAsia Group has to say about RedBeat Academy: 

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Why set up RedBeat Academy? 

RedBeat Academy is a collaboration between Red Beat Ventures and Google. The discussion started last year as we truly believe that it is important to keep our workforce relevant to the ever-changing requirements of the digital economy that we see ourselves in right now. 

And this process has been sped-up by this sudden pandemic outbreak, which has in some ways ‘imprisoned’ many of us to the confines of our own home. 

But every cloud has a silver lining, and we took the opportunity to launch RedBeat Academy to Allstars across the region, allowing them to reskill and upskill even during this period of time. 

How does an Allstar sign up for RedBeat Academy? 

They go through a simple process of filling up an assessment form, mainly for us to gauge their level of comfort in adapting to roles involving tech, as well as their appetite towards digital knowledge. 

Does someone need to have a tech background to apply? 

No, everyone regardless of background across the organisation are able to apply.

How many people have signed up so far? 

There are over 1,000 Allstars from 7 countries who applied, and sessions have already been actively going on. In times such as these, resting on our laurels is not an option and continuous learning is crucial to ensure that the company can cope with the fast-changing business landscape as we enter into unchartered territories post-COVID-19. 

What are RedBeat Academy’s future plans? 

I am very happy that response has been overwhelming from our own Allstars. Digital skill sets will be mandatory in the economy of the future, and we hope to do our part in opening up RedBeat Academy to the public as well, soon. This will help all of us to ensure that the market will have sufficient workforce with the right skill sets to take on any challenges in the digital economy. 

Yes, you heard that right. RedBeat Academy has plans to open up public admissions, so stay tuned to this space to find out more.