利用airasia Super App搭乘全日空探索日本

吉隆坡,2022 年 5 月 13 日 - 全日空(ANA)成为最新一家在airasia Super App OTA 平台上使用并授权销售其航班的全球航空公司,让东盟增长最快的超级应用程序的所有用户都能更深入地探索日本。

全日空庞大的机队提供多种客舱选择,包括头等舱、商务舱、豪华经济舱和经济舱——旅客可以选择多种独特的选择。作为Star Alliance成员,全日空与超过 35 家航空公司建立了合作伙伴关系,飞往日本境内的 50 个目的地以及亚洲、欧洲和美洲的 32 个国际目的地。

airasia Super App 首席执行官 Amanda Woo 表示:“我们很高兴欢迎界知名航空公司全日空加入我们的 airasia Super App OTA 平台,这再次清楚地证明了我们作为强大市场的有效性和未来前景,覆盖该地区所有类型的航空公司。随着越来越多的航空公司授权airasia Super App OTA平台销售他们的航班,我们相信我们将继续看到我们的OTA平台目前售卖其他航空公司机票的两位数月环比增长的上升趋势。

“随着世界再次开放,我们期待与全球其他航空公司合作,重振旅游业。全日空加入我们在airasia Super App OTA平台上的著名航空公司名单也非常及时,在这与日本最近宣布计划从 6 月起对国际游客重新开放边境的计划相一致,”Woo 补充道。

“通过与 airasia Super App 的合作,旅客可以轻松预订他们的 ANA机票前往日本或任何其他国际目的地。随着国际旅行的恢复,ANA 和 airasia Super App 将继续合作,改善客户体验并确保旅行计划同样方便尽可能,“全日空吉隆坡分公司总经理 Minoru Kusakabe 说。

随时随地点击airasia Super Ap上的“‘Flights”图标,即可通过全日空预订您的下一次日本和美国之旅!

除了全日空,airasia Super App OTA 平台还包括 700 多家其他知名航空公司合作伙伴,如土耳其航空、阿联酋航空、新西兰航空、荷兰皇家航空等。

除了其他航空公司的航班,airasia Super App OTA 平台还通过与 Trip.com、MG Group、WebBeds 等知名品牌的合作,在全球拥有超过七十万家酒店。有意加入airasia Super App OTA平台的人士可联系aacompartners@airasia.com。

通过在 Instagram 和 Facebook 上关注@airasiasuperapp 以获取有关airasia Super App 里电子商务产品的最新更新,以及了解来自airasia Super app 的所有电子商务产品内容!立即从 Apple App StoreGoogle Play Store Huawei AppGallery 下载您的airasia Super App,以获得无缝和增强的体验。

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About airasia Super App

The airasia super app is a one-stop travel, e-commerce and fin-tech platform offering consumers over 16 lines of products and services via the super app as well as airasia.com website. Powered by data and technology, the airasia super app leverages its digital ecosystem of 75 million users and 40 million downloads to generate personalised and seamless consumer experience in the digital new era. Users can also engage in real-time conversations, join like-minded communities, play games and much more. From travel needs to everyday lifestyle essentials, there is always something for everyone on the airasia super app. 

Download the airasia super app via the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store

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About All Nippon Airways (ANA)

Founded in 1952 with just two helicopters, All Nippon Airways (ANA) has grown to become the largest airline in Japan.

A member of Star Alliance since 1999, the airline's legacy of superior service has helped it earn SKYTRAX's respected 5-Star rating every year since 2013, with ANA being the only Japanese airline to win this prestigious designation for nine consecutive years. ANA also has been recognised by Air Transport World as "Airline of the Year" three times (2007, 2013 and 2018); it is one of only a select few airlines to win this prominent award multiple times.

In 2021, ANA was awarded the 5-star COVID-19 safety rating by SKYTRAX, recognising the airline's initiatives to provide a safe, clean and hygienic environment at airports and aboard aircraft, embodied in the ANA Care Promise.

For more information, please visit https://www.ana.co.jp/group/en/.

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