IKHLAS Qurban Season 5: Mission to assist 100,000 recipients locally and abroad

ikhlas.com Brand Ambassador, Datuk Rosyam Nor and social media personality, CEO Batu join forces to promote the IKHLAS Qurban Season 5 campaign in conjunction with the upcoming Hari Raya Aidiladha 2024 celebrations.

KUALA LUMPUR, 30 May 2024 – Due to the increasing number of users performing qurban online, Ikhlas Com Travel & Umrah Sdn Bhd (ikhlas.com) projects more than 100,000 recipients will benefit from the IKHLAS Qurban Season 5 campaign in conjunction with the Hari Raya Aidiladha celebrations this year.

As of last year, IKHLAS Qurban has been trusted by nearly 7,000 ikhlas.com mobile app users to complete more than 9,000 qurban bookings with distributions within and outside the country benefiting some 105,000 families or about 430,000 recipients and the numbers are expected to increase this year.

Chief Executive Officer of ikhlas.com, Ikhlas Kamarudin said, “Compared to five ‘sado’ cows booked for slaughter in Klang Valley, Melaka and Terengganu (including Perhentian Island) last season, this season we expect the number to double to 10 ‘sado’ cows with bookings from the South to the East Coast including Redang Island.

“Thank you to ikhlas.com users who are continuously sharing their sustenance (rezeki) with those in need. We believe their generosity is not only limited to the target groups within their community but also extends to refugees seeking asylum in Malaysia.”

Ikhlas said, since IKHLAS Qurban Season One was launched in 2021, ikhlas.com has been fulfilling bookings and distributions of fresh qurban meat with the support of Sahabat IKHLAS across the country.

“Similar to AirAsia’s extensive network, IKHLAS Qurban also hopes to expand the reach of our services with the Qurban Abroad packages. Again, we express our gratitude to the loyal users of ikhlas.com.”

IKHLAS Qurban offers Qurban Local, Abroad and Asnaf packages from as low as RM350 covering more than 35 countries worldwide including Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Philippines, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India, Palestine, Pakistan and more.

Besides offering convenience for Muslims to perform qurban with status updates, authentication certificate and slaughter video through the ikhlas.com mobile app, IKHLAS Qurban participants will also enjoy AirAsia reward points which can be redeemed for a myriad of travel products and services through the AirAsia MOVE app.

Launched amidst the pandemic in October 2020, ikhlas.com is a shariah-compliant travel and lifestyle platform specially tailored as a conduit for Muslims to perform their religious obligations with ease. Besides IKHLAS Umrah and other halal travel offerings in collaboration with its sister airlines, AirAsia X, ikhlas.com also provides Shariah-compliant obligatory faith-based practices such as Zakat, Sadaqah, Aqiqah, Fidyah and Qurban.

For more information, visit ikhlas.com or download the mobile app on  Apple App Store and Google Play Store.