创新旅行体验:AirAsia MOVE携手Antom推出无缝支付解决方案

吉隆坡,2025年1月7日 —— AirAsia MOVE,东南亚领先的旅游预订应用程序及 Capital A 的在线旅行社(OTA)平台业务,宣布与蚂蚁国际的 Antom 签署合作协议,持续致力于通过其应用程序打造无缝支付体验,从而革新旅游方式。根据协议,AirAsia MOVE 将与蚂蚁国际旗下的商户支付与数字化服务提供商 Antom 以及其子公司、全方位全球支付平台 2C2P 深度合作。

此次合作将把 Antom 和 2C2P 的先进支付解决方案(包括支付编排、卡支付与本地支付方式的收单服务)整合到 AirAsia MOVE 的平台中。这些尖端技术将帮助 AirAsia MOVE 简化支付方式,降低跨境交易成本及运营开支,扩大消费者群体,并为客户提供更多首选支付方式的选择。

Capital A 首席执行官 Tony Fernandes 分享此次合作是 Capital A 生态系统发展的重要一步。他表示:“与 Antom 和 2C2P 的合作不仅为 AirAsia MOVE 带来益处,也通过提升支付能力,加强了我们整个业务生态系统的竞争力。我们期待与蚂蚁国际建立长期合作关系,通过不断创新为客户提供卓越的价值。”

AirAsia MOVE 首席执行官 Nadia Omer 表示:“我们很高兴与 Antom 携手合作,共同重新定义客户的旅行支付体验。通过整合 Antom 和 2C2P 的先进解决方案,我们不仅提升了效率和客户满意度,还实现了显著的成本节约。此次合作彰显了我们对创新的承诺,以及为区域内客户创造价值的目标。

通过此次合作,我们致力于简化跨境交易的复杂性,同时这也与 AirAsia MOVE 提供无缝旅行体验的愿景不谋而合。借助 Antom 和 2C2P 强大的支付基础设施,我们能够提供更大的灵活性和便利性,满足东南亚及更广范围内不断增长的客户群体的多样化需求。”

蚂蚁国际 Antom 总经理刘正表示:“我们很荣幸能够与 AirAsia MOVE 持续合作,共同致力于不断推动创新,为客户提升支付体验。我们的先进解决方案,包括卡支付和本地支付方式(LPMs)的支付编排和收单服务,将助力 AirAsia MOVE 扩展其在亚太地区及更广泛市场的覆盖范围。通过结合我们的专业知识和 AI 驱动的支付技术,我们承诺共同提升运营效率,增强客户满意度,并创造长期价值。”

2C2P 业务与产品开发执行董事 Reggie Weston 表示:“我们很高兴能够与 Antom 一起深化与 AirAsia MOVE 的长期合作关系,并引入最新的先进支付功能,助力 AirAsia MOVE 以最佳和无缝的方式满足全球客户的需求。”

此次 MOVE、Antom 和 2C2P 之间的合作协议,是去年三月 Capital A 与蚂蚁国际宣布战略合作伙伴关系的一部分。该战略合作涵盖多个领域,包括探索集成更多支付方式、为 Capital A 的平台提供收单服务、开展数字营销和赞助机会以推动业务增长,以及合作提升对可持续金融的获取,同时为微型、小型和中型企业(MSME)社区向低碳经济转型提供支持。

Antom管理着覆盖40多个国家和地区的网络,能够集成数百种支付方式并支持100多种货币的交易。其统一的 API 为企业提供了对全球支付选项的无缝访问,包括信用卡、电子钱包和本地支付解决方案。 Antom利用人工智能技术,通过实时支付和区块链解决方案帮助企业确保交易安全、简化外汇风险管理、降低成本并提高运营效率。此外,Antom 还使商家能够利用人工智能驱动和隐私计算工具定制运营并完善客户定位。

2C2P 的业务遍及东南亚和香港,其广泛的网络为超过400区域和本地支付方式以及 600,000 个替代支付地点提供单点集成,使企业能够通过在线、移动或线下渠道接触任何地方的客户。其支付编排产品Payment Air Controller (PACO)旨在解决航空公司遇到的常见痛点,例如管理不同收单机构、办事处和市场的交易和货币兑换费用、同步线上和线下预订渠道、管理欺诈风险、优化成本并满足不同客户的付款偏好。

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About AirAsia MOVE
AirAsia MOVE, formerly known as airasia Superapp is the newest online travel agent+ (OTA+) in town, providing a seamless and personalised experience for travellers at the best value in Asean and beyond. It envisions a comprehensive travel ecosystem, providing various travel offerings, such as flights and hotel bookings from over 700 airlines, including AirAsia, and over 900,000 hotels world-wide, plus ride-hailing, insurance, duty-free shopping and much more. The services are complemented by a community-led experience through features such as airasia chat, games, gifting, and a strong loyalty program that rewards users across its expansive ecosystem. It has been voted by World Travel Awards as ‘Asia’s Leading Online Travel Agency’ for two consecutive years since its first nomination in 2023. 

About Ant International

Headquartered in Singapore, Ant International powers the future of global commerce with digital innovation for everyone and every business to thrive. In close collaboration with partners, we support merchants of all sizes worldwide to realize their growth aspirations through a comprehensive range of tech-driven digital payment and financial services solutions.

About Antom
Ant International’s Antom is the leading payment and digitisation services provider for merchants around the world. It offers one-stop, vertical-specific digital payment solutions to meet the payment needs of merchants of all sizes. Antom has established local acquiring capabilities in over 40 markets, with the flexibility to accept payments in more than 100 currencies. It also provides digital marketing solutions and merchant digitization services to help merchant in digital operations and to better engage with their customers. To learn more, please visit https://www.antom.com/

About 2C2P
2C2P is a full-suite payments platform that empowers the world's leading enterprises to securely accept and make payments through one point of integration. Its extensive network spans across online, mobile and offline channels including over 600,000 alternative payment locations, enabling enterprises to reach their customers or recipients anywhere. 2C2P also provides value-added services such as issuing, 3D Secure, bill payments and digital goods to meet every business need. 

Headquartered in Singapore with operations across Southeast Asia and Hong Kong, 2C2P is the preferred payments partner for airlines, online marketplaces, retailers and other enterprises.

Media Inquiries:
AirAsia MOVE
Daphne Cheah / Ryan Chan

Ant International
Kahmun Leong / Janice Chen

kahmun.leong@antgroup.com / janicechen.cyh@antgroup.com

