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NTIS - airasia研发城市无人机配送


赛城,2021年3月6日 - 马拉西亚的消费者可以期待一个新的购物体验,airasia Digital旗下物流企业Teleport与马来西亚全球创新与创造中心(MaGIC)和国家技术与创新沙盒(NTIS)领导秘书处合作推出了城市无人机配送沙盒(Urban Drone Delivery Sandbox)并发展在城市使用无人机配送的可行性。

首个测试项目将使用无人机配送亚航电子商务平台(包括airasia shop)货物,将在国家技术与创新沙盒 (NTIS)处于赛城第三个的测试基地通过为期6个月的分阶段实施方法进行。该服务目前正处于测试阶段并由两家本地无人机运营商VStream Revolution Sdn Bhd和Meraque Services Sdn Bhd执行。



为实现该项目,NTIS一直与马来西亚唯一的技术监管机构 - 马来西亚民航局(CAAM)密切合作,以确保在城市环境下无人机驾驶航空服务的安全和保障符合CAAM的要求和规定。这是为了在促进技术进步的同时,确保公共安全仍然是重中之重。

马来西亚科学、技术和创新部长YB Tuan Khairy Jamaluddin表示:“我们将成为无人机技术行业的先驱者,预计到2025年将产生1270亿美元的收入。2019年,无人机包裹配送的全球市场规模为6.424亿美元,预计2027年将达到73.88亿美元。无人机配送可以扩展和扩大到电子商务以外的领域,例如向农村、偏远地区或受天灾影响的地区运送必需品或医疗用品。”


亚航集团首席执行员Tan Sri Tony Fernandes表示:“自20年前成立以来,亚航一直走在创新的前端。今天,我们凭借亚航超级app,通过我们的物流业务Teleport等提供食品、杂货、免税产品配送服务并颠覆了电子商务行业。从长远来看,我们很高兴与MaGIC合作探索城市无人机配送——这是一种创新的物流解决方案,最终将提高效率和卓越的运营,并加快在城市地区的配送速度。此外,无人机配送使我们能够跟上不断增长的电子商务需求,并在面对不断变化的经济格局时保持灵活。”



关于 Teleport

Founded in 2018, Teleport is a venture under airasia Digital, building out the logistics ambitions for AirAsia. Teleport is on a mission to enable everyone - from single merchants to the largest companies - to move goods and e-commerce anywhere in Southeast Asia and beyond. It should simply work, like magic.  For more information, please visit or our social media on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube.

关于 Malaysian Global Innovation and Creativity Centre (MaGIC)

MaGIC discovers and empowers technology startups and social innovators through creativity, innovation and technology adoption, and develops a vibrant and sustainable entrepreneurship ecosystem in Malaysia. Since its inception in 2014, MaGIC has provided its community of start-ups, investors and ecosystem players with capacity building programmes, market & funding opportunities and regulatory assistance that impacted more than 100,000 aspiring and seasoned entrepreneurs with overall value creation of RM1.9 billion. As an agency under the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI), MaGIC facilitates, navigates and enables the ecosystem with the mission of strengthening Malaysia’s position as an emerging innovation nation.

 For more information on MaGIC, please visit

关于 National Technology and Innovation Sandbox (NTIS)

NTIS is a facility that allows researchers, innovators, startups and high-tech entrepreneurs to test their products, services, business models and delivery mechanisms in a live environment.

As a national solution coordination and facilitation centre, NTIS provides relaxations from all or selected processes and/or regulatory requirements to accelerate the development of innovative solutions from the R&D stage to being commercially ready. The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation spearheads the NTIS in which MaGIC is the lead secretariat.