亚航基金会与Projek Jahat推介再回收GOOD/jahat/系列

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吉隆坡,2019年8月21日 - 亚航基金会(AirAsia Foundation)今日于吉隆坡时装周2019推介GOOD/jahat/旅游系列,首次亮相时尚界。 

与概念设计团队Projek Jahat合作,该系列一共有12件展示品,全都以从亚航仓库寻获的再回收物料如棉被或座椅皮革制作而成。

亚航基金会执行董事叶敏菁说: “我们的目的是要为再回收的举措启动全新话题。Project Jahat所接触的亚航物料都是原装的,他们不仅没有视这些物料为被丢弃的物品、而是能激发设计师想象力的珍贵宝物。”

Project Jahat策展人Mohd Faizul Isa(Joe)表示该系列阐述了企业在考虑环境足迹的重要性。在去年的时装周,Joe展示了许多再回收丹宁的服装,也因此获得了2018年吉隆坡时装周“最耀眼设计师”的荣耀。 


他补充,GOOD/jahat/将代表与亚航基金会合作的企业责任,Projek Jahat的创意也能唤起大众对时尚选择的重要性。

所有在GOOD/jahat/舞台秀展示的服装系列将于亚航基金会位于吉隆坡的社会企业商店Destination: GOOD出售。该商店将于两日后,2019年8月23日,开始营业。

Destination: GOOD将售卖东盟区域超过30家社会企业,负责任和以道德性制造的400多种产品。该商店设立于REXKL,前身为标志性的雷克斯电影院,后者被改造成一个多元文化的创意和创业中心。与REXKL一样,Destination: GOOD旨在促进文化和培养社区意识。


About Projek Jahat

Projek Jahat is a conceptual design house inspired by creativity, youthfulness, and progressivism. From its first project of painting on denim jackets, it has developed to collaborative endeavors with different brands for installations, clothing collections, idea conceptualization, and art consultation. More than a brand, it is a family of young, passionate creatives who express themselves through different forms of art.

About AirAsia Foundation

AirAsia Foundation is committed to helping build an ASEAN Community of the future by advocating social entrepreneurship, equal opportunity, and innovation. As the philanthropic arm of the AirAsia Group, it provides social enterprise grants to empower underprivileged individuals, and supports projects that preserve and revive the region’s unique cultural heritage. Since its establishment in 2012, it has funded 24 social enterprises, creating impact in the lives of over 2,500 direct beneficiaries.