OURSHOP于东马推介“Shop Sama Kamek”计划


吉隆坡,2020年8月13日 - 续2020年4月所进行的Save Our Shops (S.O.S.)计划,亚航物流支部Teleport即将于东马推介“Shop Sama Kamek”计划。此计划由马来西亚数字经济公司(MDEC)于6月在政府短期经济复苏计划(PENJANA)之下而推出的微型和中小型企业(MSMEs)电子商务活动同步进行。“Shop Sama Kamek”将专注于协助更多东马的商家在亚航的电子商务平台OURSHOP售卖他们的食品,预计从9月开始进行。

通过“Shop Sama Kamek”计划,OURSHOP将从东马的中小型企业招募300名商家,包括新鲜农产品、冷冻和包装食品等食品类别。

Teleport首席执行员Pete Chareonwongsak说:“配合我们的计划及为了复苏当地经济,我们已获得政府了的批准,以辅助金启动跨州物流运输、营销活动及为商家提供培训。这将使我们能够提供必要的资源和援助以支持东马的商人,为他们的业务做好上线准备。


通过“Shop Sama Kamek”计划,参于的商家为应付产品上线将获得Teleport的培训与协助。商家们将自动加入由RedBeat Academy举办的“BINA Digital”专业发展课程,学习提高技能并为认证商家做好上线准备,以便能将他们的产品销售扩展至马来西亚其他地区或东盟区域。

登记加入AirAsia Fresh平台的新商家能豁免佣金,仅需缴付2%的网关费(gateway fees)。商家也将豁免产品上线费用,并将在销售产品(巴生谷客户群为首要目标客户)、运送及付款方面获得技术援助。Teleport还将协助向巴生谷的客户推广产品、进行营销和提高品牌知名度。




OURSHOP is an e-commerce marketplace, owned by AirAsia to spur the growth of local products by developing traditional small and medium businesses to be e-commerce ready. To top it all off, shoppers can also earn BIG Points with every successful purchase made, and even use BIG Points to pay for their shopping.

About Teleport

Founded in 2018, Teleport is a subsidiary of AirAsia Group Berhad, building out the cargo and logistics ambitions for AirAsia. Teleport is on a mission to enable everyone - from single merchants to the largest companies - to move goods and e-commerce anywhere in Southeast Asia and beyond. Our own online platforms partner with merchants to deliver creations, food, fresh produce and essentials we love. It should simply work, like magic.  For more information, please visit teleport.asia or our social media on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.