亚航宣布实时通话和退款追踪功能 在其超级应用程序和网站上以增强客户体验

雪邦,2023 年 3 月 30 日 - 亚洲领先的低成本航空公司亚航今天宣布推出一项新的实时通话功能,以满足客户的紧急需求,以响应乘客对这方面的需求。该功能将让在 Ask Bo Live Chat 互动期间直接与人工代理通话,以立即解决问题。

如果情况被确定为紧急或紧急情况,例如 24 小时内起飞的航班或由于医疗原因或紧急情况突然改变旅行计划,客人可以在聊天机器人互动结束时选择与人工代理通话。对于一般查询和非紧急问题,亚航鼓励其客人使用其超级应用程序和人工智能聊天机器人 Ask Bo 上提供的自助服务工具和实时聊天帮助。

除了通话功能,亚航还在其超级应用程序和网站上提供了新的退款追踪功能。客人现在可以点击“我的案例 (My Cases)”选项卡并输入他们的案例编号,以获得更详细的退款状态。

亚航航空集团首席机场及客户体验官 Kesavan Sivanandam 说:“作为一家进取且以客户为中心的航空公司,我们已倾听并理解客户的反馈。这项新的功能是亚航计划在接下来一段时间内随时间发布的一系列令人兴奋的功能、工具和应用程序的一部分。”



截至 2023 年 2 月,亚航已经支付了自 2020 年 3 月 Covid-19 疫情开始以来收到的退款申请的 98.4%。已以各种形式支付的款项高达 21 亿美元。随着航空公司努力重建其运营恢复正常,本公司也正在努力结清剩余余额。

Capital A 最近重申其承诺,为其业务范围内的所有客人提供更主动、更周到和更轻松的客户体验。这些改进也符合其成为业内最具沟通性和响应性品牌的承诺。

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About Capital A

Capital A (formerly known as AirAsia Group) is an investment holding company with a portfolio of synergistic travel and lifestyle businesses that leverage data and technology, including airasia Super App, fintech BigPay and Teleport as a logistic hub in ASEAN. Capital A’s vision is to create and deliver products and services that focus on offering the best value at the lowest cost, underpinned by robust data accumulated over 20 years in operation and one of Asia's leading brands that remains committed to serving the underserved.

About Ask Bo

Ask Bo is an AI-powered concierge launched in February 2023 to offer a more proactive, attentive and hassle-free experience to all guests within the Capital A lines of businesses. The design of Ask Bo is inspired by the physical characteristics and exemplary values of Bo Lingam, Group CEO of AirAsia Aviation Group Limited (aviation arm of Capital A). Ask Bo provides detailed and customised information to guide customers along their journey, and enables self-service functions for faster access to resolutions. It is one of the key strategies of Project Bo, an initiative driven by Capital A to deliver the best customer service in the industry and become the most responsive, communicative and answerable brand in the region. Ask Bo can be accessed via airasia Super App and through the website at www.airasia.com.