For an uninterrupted 15 years, AirAsia has been recognized as the World’s Best Low-Cost Airline, an accolade which was a product of years of heartfelt service, innovation, and commitment to its guests.
Read More亞洲低成本航空領導品牌AirAsia在2024年Skytrax中再次獲得世界最佳低成本航空獎,這是AirAsia連續第15次獲此殊榮,成績源於其在低成本航空領域不懈追求創新和價值創造,為慶賀此佳績,AirAsia不但推出全航線85折起優惠,並號招台灣粉絲在社群FB/IG平台上分享AirAsia搭機體驗,就有機會獲得台北清邁來回機票。
Read MoreHighlighting the importance of a safe and more seamless journey, AirAsia Philippines recently took part in the launching of Aboitiz GMR MEGAWIDE Cebu Airport Corporation’s (AGMCAC) “Cebu Connect” initiative.
Read MoreAirAsia Philippines is giving guests the freedom to travel and explore their favorite domestic and international destinations this second half of 2024 and beyond with another round of PISO SALE!
Read More亞洲低成本航空領導品牌AirAsia今 (30日) 宣布搭配上半年度最大台北旅展台北國際觀光博覽會於2024年5月31日(週五)至6月3日(週一)於世貿一館開展,同步於2024年5月31日上午10:00起至2024年6月3日晚間23:59推出線上旅展,全航線單程未稅399元起、30公斤託運行李7折優惠,每日10點開始用AirAsia Move APP 信用卡結帳再享200元折價優惠(數量有限)。旅展期間至馬來西亞觀光局AirAsia攤位購買機票,託運行李30公斤可加碼至6折優惠,並可兌換AirAsia 品牌成交禮。
Read More亞洲低成本航空領導品牌AirAsia今 (23日) 宣布因應高雄市旅行公會國際旅展自5 月 24 日起至 27 日於高雄展覽館登場,同步於線上推出高雄直飛航線單程未稅399元起、30公斤託運行李7折優惠,而針對旅展期間至馬來西亞觀光局與泰國觀光局AirAsia攤位購買機票,託運行李30公斤可加碼至6折優惠,並可兌換高雄旅展限定AirAsia 品牌成交禮,新戶現場輸入優惠碼還可再享200元折抵。
Read MoreAirAsia Philippines is looking forward to a stronger beginning for the second half of 2024 until the end of the year as more Filipinos are willing to spend for their trips.
Read MoreAirAsia Philippines has expressed its strong support to the Airport Press Club (APC) who’s been a mover and a catalyst of change in shaping the airline and aviation industry for more than 60 years now.
Read MorePilots, the unsung heroes of the aviation industry, bring millions of guests safely to their destinations every day. Recognizing their invaluable role and as part of the often-overlooked World Pilots’ Day in the country, AirAsia Philippines proudly celebrated by hosting a one-day mass pilot recruitment.
Read MoreBoracay is gearing up to show that there are more opportunities to explore beyond what meets the eye. At the recent Boracay Business Forum, Asean ambassadors and representatives from both public and private sectors gathered to call for preserving the island's pristine beauty for the years to come while positioning it as a premier tourist and investment hub.
Read MoreAirAsia Philippines is implementing measures to cushion the effect of Fuel Surcharge and still make travel affordable and enjoyable especially during the final month of summer.
Read MoreIn a bid to preserve the pristine beauty of Boracay while positioning it as a premier tourist and investment hub, AirAsia Philippines is taking pride as the official airline carrier who will be flying Ambassadors from the Asean and other Asian countries for a 3-day International Business Forum and Diplomatic Visit in the island paradise of Boracay. This event aims to create a platform for international collaboration and promote economic and tourism partnerships for Boracay.
Read MoreAirAsia Philippines is shouting Let’s Fly & Go (LFG)— its newest summer travel campaign that seeks to encourage guests to step out of their comfort zone, create new experiences and have fun while exploring domestic and international destinations.
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