A heartwarming reunion from across the seas: AirAsia reunites three lucky Allstars with their families for Eid

There wasn’t a dry eye in the room when three Allstars were reunited with their families during a Majlis Berbuka Puasa & Solat Tarawih event held at AirAsia’s headquarters, RedQ on 21 April 2022. 

The surprise reunion was jointly organised by the AirAsia team and The Chow Kit (an Ormond Hotel), in conjunction with Hari Raya. Afiq Khairi and siblings Amir Akhtar Mazlan and Sakinah Mazlan all hail from Kota Kinabalu, Sabah and have not seen their families in almost two years due to travel restrictions brought by COVID-19. The team had spent the last few weeks meticulously planning every detail of the surprise reunion – from flying to Afiq, Amir and Sakinah’s respective hometowns in Sabah and meeting their families – to coordinating with all of the involved parties on the details. 

When they were contacted and informed of AirAsia’s plan, the parents revealed that they were in disbelief and initially thought they were being duped – as they had never in their wildest dreams imagined they’d be given the opportunity to visit their loved ones in Kuala Lumpur, and break fast together.

The families flew to KL on 20 April, where they spent the night at The Chow Kit. The next day, they were brought over to RedQ via airasia ride, Capital A’s ride-hailing service. AirAsia had organised its annual Majlis Berbuka Puasa & Solat Tarawih event and hosted students from Maahad Tahfiz Al Quran Al Imam Asy Syaafie (MATIS) and Pusat Tahfiz al-Qur'an & al-Hadith Dar al-Maliki. Solat Tarawih, or Tarawih prayers, is a significant practice for all Muslims and is carried out every night during the Holy month of Ramadan. 

Photo Caption: The congregation of Tarawih prayers during the Buka Puasa event at RedQ.

In the lead-up to the surprise, the trio were called to the stage by Capital A’s Executive Chairman Datuk Kamarudin Meranun for a ‘special gift’, who then unveiled the ultimate surprise to the stunned Allstars. Undoubtedly, seeing their parents walk towards them was an overwhelming and emotion-filled moment for Afiq, Amir and Sakinah. Tears, smiles and laughter were shared as the families embraced each other after two long years.

Through her happy tears, Afiq’s mother, Siti Aisah gushed: “He’s my youngest, and is really close to me. It’s been more than a year since I last saw my son and when I got the call from AirAsia, I was deeply touched”, as his father Juarah Bin Asoi, added on, “It’s been a long time since we’ve gathered to buka (break fast) and the joy is indescribable.” 

Elated with emotions, Afiq, an Assistant Security Officer with AirAsia said: “It’s truly a wonderful surprise. My sincerest thanks goes out to my fellow Allstars who helped to plan this reunion. I’m so happy and grateful that I’m able to buka with my parents today.”

For Amir and Sakinah’s parents, it was double the joy. The siblings are the oldest of five children and have been dearly missed by their families – particularly around the festive season. 

Their mother, Alinah Awang Julai, said: “Amir rarely gets the time off to spend the holidays with us, and I wasn’t too sure if we’d be able to see Sakinah as well this year. To have this memory now, is simply precious to us. My family and I are eternally grateful.” 

Photo Caption: The families, together with Datuk Kamarudin Meranun, Executive Chairman of Capital A pose for a photo after the sweet reunion.

As Cabin Crew with AirAsia, Amir and Sakinah are often globe-trotting for work; but a chance to balik kampung is scarce, given their round-the-clock flying hours and the back-to-back Movement Control Orders (MCOs) enforced by the Malaysian government following the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. 

“I hadn’t got a clue on what was going on and when I saw my parents from afar, it took me a while to realise that they were actually here!”, a beaming Sakinah said.

Together with the other invitees, the guests of honour feasted on a spread of scrumptious local delights, followed by a Tarawih session in RedQ. A memory that’s forever etched in their hearts, this Eid is one Afiq, Amir, Sakinah and their families will never forget. 

Watch the full video below:

AirAsia loves to reward our hard working Allstars and reuniting them with their loved ones for Eid was indeed a momentous occasion for all. A special thanks goes out to The Chow Kit and airasia ride for graciously extending their services to the families of Afiq, Amir and Sakinah during their 3-day stay in Kuala Lumpur.

English, StoriesVichitra N