Capital A International, Pemilik Jenama Ikonik AirAsia, akan disenaraikan di Pasaran Saham A.S. melalui Gabungan Perniagaan dengan Aetherium Acquisition Corp

Capital A International adalah platform pengurusan jenama global yang mengkhusus dalam pengembangan, pengurusan, dan pelesenan jenama AirAsia

Berpaksikan prestasi cemerlangnya, Capital A International bakal menerajui dan membawa jenama-jenama terkenal dari Asia Tenggara (“Asean") ke pasaran dunia

Membuka peluang kepada pelabur antarabangsa untuk mengambil bahagian dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi Asean, menggarap jenama-jenama yang paling dinamik dan terkenal di rantau ini

Transaksi yang dirancang mempunyai nilai proforma berjumlah AS$1.15 bilion

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, dan Greenwich, Connecticut, 28 Februari 2024 - Capital A Berhad (“Capital A”), (Bursa Saham Kuala Lumpur: 5099.KL), hari ini mengumumkan bahawa ia telah memuktamadkan perjanjian gabungan perniagaan bersama Aetherium Acquisition Corp (Nasdaq: GMFI), sebuah Syarikat Pemerolehan Tujuan Khas ("SPAC"), untuk menyenaraikan Capital A International ("CAPI") di pasaran saham di Amerika Syarikat. CAPI akan memanfaatkan pengembangan, pengurusan, dan pelesenan jenama AirAsia dan berfungsi sebagai pemangkin pemasaran global dinamik bagi jenama-jenama Asean. Transaksi ini juga akan membuka peluang kepada para pelabur untuk mengambil bahagian dalam salah sebuah hab ekonomi yang sedang berkembang pesat yang dijangka akan menjadi ekonomi keempat terbesar di dunia menjelang 2030.

CAPI akan diterajui Tan Sri Tony Fernandes yang merupakan salah seorang usahawan terkemuka di Asia, terkenal kerana telah mengambil alih syarikat penerbangan AirAsia pada tahun 2001 dan kemudiannya mentransformasikan ia menjadi sebuah syarikat penerbangan global yang telah mendemokrasikan perjalanan udara di rantau ini. Beliau telah memimpin syarikat penerbangan tersebut bermula dengan hanya memiliki dua buah pesawat kepada armadanya yang kini terdiri daripada 242 buah pesawat, menjadikan ia syarikat penerbangan tambang rendah terbesar di Asia dan antara tiga jenama syarikat penerbangan paling kukuh di dunia. Dengan operasinya merentasi Asean dengan hab di Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Filipina dan tidak lama lagi di Kemboja, AirAsia telah membuka sebanyak 278 laluan ke 131 destinasi global serta telah menerbangkan lebih 776 juta penumpang sejak penubuhannya. 

Tan Sri Tony Fernandes, Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Capital A berkata, “Selama lebih dua dekad, AirAsia telah menjadi jenama berprestij yang sinonim dengan nilai, inovasi dan keterangkuman. AirAsia telah berubah daripada sebuah syarikat penerbangan kecil Malaysia kepada sebuah jenama penerbangan dan pelancongan global terkemuka bernilai lebih $1 bilion*, dan membolehkan Capital A membina portfolio terpelbagai yang merangkumi syarikat penerbangan, perkhidmatan penerbangan, logistik dan digital dalam fintech, perjalanan dan perhotelan. Evolusi jenama AirAsia telah mewujudkan pangkalan pengguna global yang setia, meletakkan kami dengan baik untuk mengembangkan jenama kami di peringkat antarabangsa melalui CAPI. Penyenaraian ini memberikan kami akses kepada pasaran modal yang paling luas dan cair di dunia, meningkatkan kredibiliti dan kehadiran secara antarabangsa syarikat di samping mencipta nilai untuk para pemegang saham kami."

Selain daripada jenama AirAsia, CAPI memegang hak-hak harta intelek bagi 14 jenama terkenal lain dan lebih daripada 224 cap dagangan merentasi 23 negara. Platform CAPI mengintegrasikan strategi jenama, pemasaran kreatif, dan pembangunan harta intelek untuk meletakkan strategik jenama-jenama tersebut dan menanam kepentingan budaya di kalangan pengguna. Syarikat itu bercadang untuk memanfaatkan nilai jenama AirAsia melalui perlesenan lanjut di samping menjayakan strateginya untuk memacu dan mempercepatkan pertumbuhan portfolio harta inteleknya.

Tan Sri Tony Fernandes menambah, “Kami adalah jenama Asean yang pertama untuk mengadaptasi strategi ini dan menggarapnya melalui pelesenan, berpaksikan pengaruh kukuh kami di rantau Asean. Selain itu, strategi pertumbuhan kami ini melibatkan pengambilalihan dan pembangunan lebih banyak jenama dari rantau ini. Kami optimis terhadap potensi perniagaan jenama kami untuk berkembang pesat melebihi titik permulaan kami, terutamanya di pasaran di mana harta intelek dan nilai jenama amat dihargai oleh pengguna dan pelabur.

“Rantau Asean menawarkan landskap ekonomi yang berkembang maju dengan 680 juta penduduk, mengatasi A.S. dan mengekori rapat Kesatuan Eropah. Didorong oleh populasi berpendapatan sederhana yang semakin meningkat yang mewujudkan pasaran pengguna dan peluang ekonomi baharu, rantau ini bersedia untuk pertumbuhan yang mampan. Selain itu, lonjakan populariti jenama media, hiburan dan gaya hidup yang berpangkalan di Asia baru-baru ini menggariskan peningkatan permintaan global untuk jenama yang berasal dari Asia."

Jonathan Chan, Pengerusi dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Aetherium berkata, “Kami sangat teruja untuk bekerjasama dengan Tony dan pasukan CAPI untuk menggarap rekod prestasi mereka yang telah terbukti dan membawa jenama itu untuk melangkaui pasaran yang dipacu pengguna paling pesat berkembang di dunia, dengan populasi dua kali ganda saiz negara Amerika Syarikat. Di bawah kepemimpinan Tan Sri Tony yang luar biasa, AirAsia telah berkembang menjadi jenama yang sangat berjaya dan diiktiraf secara meluas di rantau ini. Dengan lebih 22 tahun inovasi dalam perjalanan udara dan perkhidmatan digital, syarikat itu berada pada kedudukan yang strategik untuk mengukuhkan kepemimpinannya di Asean dan mengejar pertumbuhan dalam pasaran antarabangsa. Kerjasama ini memberikan peluang tersendiri kepada pelabur pasaran modal A.S. untuk mengambil bahagian dalam pengembangan pesat ekonomi Asean melalui sebuah syarikat yang merangkumi pelbagai budaya, tenaga dan peluang baru muncul di rantau ini.”

Sorotan Pelaburan

  • Pemilik dan pemberi lesen jenama AirAsia yang terkenal, dengan kehadiran ikonik dalam syarikat penerbangan, perjalanan dan gaya hidup, CAPI memanfaatkan pemulihan pertumbuhan syarikat penerbangan tambang rendah terbesar di Asia dan disokong oleh buku pesanan yang kukuh.

  • Mengendalikan model perniagaan beraset ringan, perniagaan menjana margin operasi yang kukuh dengan inventori minimum dan keperluan modal kerja, diperkukuh oleh aliran hasil yang stabil dan berulang daripada yuran royalti, memacu aliran tunai percuma.

  • Syarikat itu mendapat manfaat daripada akses kepada ekosistem Capital A, yang mempunyai lebih 50 juta pengguna, 22 juta ahli kesetiaan, dan lebih 56 juta pengikut media sosial, memperluaskan capaian jenama dan mempertingkatkan keupayaan membina jenama CAPI.

  • Berpangkalan di Asean, salah satu ekonomi paling pesat berkembang di dunia yang bersedia untuk menjadi yang keempat terbesar menjelang 2030, syarikat itu mempunyai pasaran global pelesenan yang boleh ditangani yang besar sebanyak $341 bilion, dengan pasaran Asean menyumbang $5 bilion, berkembang pada 13% yang mengagumkan. setiap tahun, melebihi purata global.

  • Pelbagai peluang wujud untuk membangunkan platform jenama itu:

    • Memperluaskan jenama AirAsia melangkaui sektor pelancongan dengan berkembang ke dalam industri, kategori dan geografi baharu melalui usaha sama dalaman atau usaha sama;

    • Membangunkan jenama baharu yang memanfaatkan kekuatan pasaran Asean;

    • Mewujudkan harta intelek yang berperwatakan dan meningkatkan nilai melalui perkongsian dan perdagangan; dan

    • Memperoleh dan mengembangkan jenama berasaskan Asean yang lain

  • Syarikat ini dibimbing oleh pasukan pengurusan yang berpengalaman dengan rekod prestasi yang berjaya dalam pengurusan jenama.

Nota Editor: Asean (Persatuan Negara-negara Asia Tenggara) ialah kesatuan politik dan ekonomi yang terdiri daripada Brunei, Kemboja, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Filipina, Singapura, Thailand dan Vietnam.

Key Transaction Terms

Under the terms of the proposed transaction, CAPI will combine with Aetherium and become a publicly traded entity. The transaction reflects an estimated pro forma enterprise value for CAPI of $1.15 billion. Although the Boards of both CAPI and Aetherium have unanimously approved the transaction, the transaction remains subject to the approval of Aetherium stockholders and other customary closing conditions. Additional information about the transaction, including a copy of the Business Combination Agreement will be available in a current report filed by Aetherium on Form 8-K with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), which may be found at


Greenberg Traurig, LLP serves as U.S. legal counsel and Foong & Partners serves as Malaysian legal counsel to CAPI. Rimon P.C. is servicing as United States legal counsel to Aetherium.

About Capital A International

Capital A International (CAPI) is a global brand management platform, specializing in the expansion, management and licensing of the AirAsia brand. To be led by Tony Fernandes, one of Asia's most recognizable entrepreneurs, CAPI aims to capitalize AirAsia's brand value through additional licensing and to deploy its proven strategy to promote and accelerate the expansion of its intellectual property portfolio. CAPI's platform combines brand strategy, creative marketing and intellectual property development to effectively position its brands and establish cultural relevance among consumers. For more information, visit [here].

About Capital A Berhad

Capital A (formerly known as AirAsia Group Berhad) is an investment holding company with a portfolio of synergistic travel and lifestyle businesses that leverage data and technology, including the world’s leading low-cost carrier AirAsia, an aviation services group, airasia MOVE Superapp and fintech BigPay as well as logistics venture Teleport. Capital A’s vision is to create and deliver products and services that focus on offering the best value at the lowest cost, underpinned by robust data accumulated over 22 years in operation and one of Asia's leading brands that remains committed to serving the underserved in Asean and beyond.

About Aetherium Acquisition Corp.

Aetherium Acquisition Corp. operates as a special purpose acquisition company (SPAC) created to facilitate a merger, capital stock exchange, asset acquisition, stock purchase, reorganization or similar business combination with one or more businesses. We actively seek out technologically advanced enterprises that push the boundaries of innovation. Our role involves not only identifying these cutting-edge businesses but also developing and enhancing their potential by leveraging their value and introducing them to the U.S. capital markets. Under the leadership of Jonathan Chan, who serves as Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, and Alex Lee, the Company’s Chief Financial Officer, the Company is committed to navigating the intersection of technology and business to drive growth and success. For more information on Aetherium, visit:

Important Information About the Proposed Business Combination and Where to Find It

For additional information on the proposed business combination, see Aetherium’s Current Report on Form 8-K, which will be filed concurrently with this press release. In connection with the proposed business combination, Aetherium and Pubco intend to file relevant materials with the SEC, including a registration statement on Form F-4 to be filed by Pubco, which will include a proxy statement/prospectus, and other documents regarding the proposed business combination. Aetherium’s shareholders and other interested persons are advised to read, when available, the preliminary proxy statement/prospectus and the amendments thereto and the definitive proxy statement and documents incorporated by reference therein filed in connection with the proposed business combination, as these materials will contain important information about Pubco and Aetherium and the proposed business combination.

Promptly after the Form F-4 is declared effective by the SEC, Aetherium will mail the definitive proxy statement/prospectus and a proxy card to each shareholder entitled to vote at the meeting relating to the approval of the business combination and other proposals set forth in the proxy statement/prospectus. Before making any voting or investment decision, investors and shareholders of Aetherium are urged to carefully read the entire registration statement and proxy statement/prospectus, when they become available, and any other relevant documents filed with the SEC, as well as any amendments or supplements to these documents, because they will contain important information about the proposed business combination. [The documents filed by Aetherium with the SEC may be obtained free of charge at the SEC’s website at, or by directing a request to Aetherium, 79B Pemberwick Road, Greenwich, CT 06831.][1]

Participants in the Solicitation

Aetherium and certain of its directors, executive officers and other members of management and employees may, under SEC rules, be deemed to be participants in the solicitation of proxies from Aetherium’s shareholders in connection with the proposed business combination. A list of the names of those directors and executive officers and a description of their interests in Aetherium will be included in the proxy statement/prospectus for the proposed business combination when available at

Information about Aetherium’s directors and executive officers and their ownership of Aetherium shares of common stock is set forth in Aetherium’s final prospectus for its for its initial public offering dated November 29, 2021, and filed with the SEC on December 29, 2021, as modified or supplemented by any Form 3 or Form 4 filed with the SEC since the date of such filing. Other information regarding the interests of the participants in the proxy solicitation will be included in the proxy statement/prospectus pertaining to the proposed business combination when it becomes available. These documents can be obtained free of charge from the source indicated above.

Pubco and its directors and executive officers may also be deemed to be participants in the solicitation of proxies from the shareholders of Aetherium in connection with the proposed business combination. A list of the names of such directors and executive officers and information regarding their interests in the proposed business combination will be included in the proxy statement/prospectus for the proposed business combination.

Additional information regarding the participants in the proxy solicitation and a description of their direct and indirect interests is included in the proxy statement/prospectus filed with the SEC on Form F-4. Shareholders, potential investors and other interested persons should read the proxy statement/prospectus carefully when it becomes available before making any voting or investment decisions. You may obtain free copies of these documents from the sources indicated above.

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

Certain statements contained in this press release constitute “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of federal securities laws. Forward-looking statements may include, but are not limited to, statements with respect to (i) trends in the financial advisory industry, including changes in demand and supply related to Pubco’s products and services; (ii) Pubco’s growth prospects and Pubco’s market size; (iii) Pubco’s projected financial and operational performance including relative to its competitors; (iv) new product and service offerings Pubco may introduce in the future; (v) the potential business combination, including the enterprise value, the expected post-closing ownership structure and the likelihood and ability of the parties to consummate the potential business combination successfully; (vi) the risk the proposed business combination may not be completed in a timely manner or at all, which may adversely affect the price of Aetherium securities; (vii) the failure to satisfy the conditions to the consummation of the proposed business combination, including the approval of the proposed business combination by the shareholders of Aetherium [and Capital A Berhad]; (viii) the effect of the announcement or pendency of the proposed business combination on Aetherium’s or Pubco’s business relationships, performance and business generally; (ix) the outcome of any legal proceedings that may be instituted against Aetherium or Pubco related to the proposed business combination or any agreement related thereto; (x) the ability to maintain the listing of Aetherium on Nasdaq; (xi) the price of Aetherium’s securities, including volatility resulting from changes in the competitive and regulated industry in which Pubco operates, variations in performance across competitors, changes in laws and regulations affecting Pubco’s business and changes in the combined capital structure; (xii) the ability to implement business plans, forecasts, and other expectations after the completion of the proposed business combination and identify and realize additional opportunities; and (xiii) other statements regarding Aetherium’s or Pubco’s expectations, hopes, beliefs, intentions and strategies regarding the future.

In addition, any statements that refer to projections, forecasts or other characterizations of future events or circumstances, including any underlying assumptions are forward-looking statements. The words “anticipate,” “believe,” “continue,” “could,” “estimate,” “expect,” “intends,” “outlook,” “may,” “might,” “plan,” “possible,” “potential,” “predict,” “project,” “should,” “would,” and similar expressions may identify forward-looking statements, but the absence of these words does not mean that a statement is not forward-looking. Forward-looking statements are predictions, projections and other statements about future events that are based on current expectations and assumptions and, as a result, are subject, are subject to risks and uncertainties.

You should carefully consider the risks and uncertainties described in the “Risk Factors” section of Aetherium’s final prospectus dated December 29, 2021, and filed with the SEC on January 2, 2024 for its initial public offering and, the proxy statement/prospectus relating to this transaction, which is expected to be filed by Pubco with the SEC, other documents filed by Aetherium and/or Pubco from time to time with SEC, and any risk factors made available to you in connection with Aetherium, Pubco, and the transaction. These forward-looking statements involve a number of risks and uncertainties (some of which are beyond the control of Pubco and Aetherium) and other assumptions, that may cause the actual results or performance to be materially different from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. Aetherium and Pubco caution that the foregoing list of factors is not exclusive.

No Offer or Solicitation

This press release relates to a proposed business combination between Aetherium and Pubco, and does not constitute a proxy statement or solicitation of a proxy and does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy the securities of Aetherium or Pubco, nor shall there be any sale of any such securities in any state or jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation, or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of such state or jurisdiction.

Capital A International Contacts Investors



Julia Fisher


John Kiely

Aetherium Acquisition Corp Contact