OURSHOP 8.8 Infinite Sale 发觉无限可能

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吉隆坡, 2020年8月6日 - 续近期7.7促销取得成功后,由亚航旗下物流业务Teleport提供支持的电子商务平台OURSHOP将再度推出8.8 Infinite Sale。

8.8 Infinite Sale将在2020年8月7日为BIG会员优先开放,接着在8月8日正式启动,再加上连续7天的后续派对,促销将持续到8月16日。

凡在8.8 Infinite Sale促销期间在OURSHOP购物即可享有高达80%折扣*。运费固定为每间商家RM10,居住巴生谷的用户可期待在下单的第二天收货,送往东马的包裹则需三天时间。

Teleport营销主管Grace Chin说:“延续我们7.7促销,我们观察到在OURSHOP购物的用户已渐渐增加,我们想为客户提供更多优惠与折扣。这次的8.8 Infinite Sale中,我们将持续为本地的商家提供援助,通过OURSHOP为商家提供最佳优惠即展示更多本地制作的品牌与商品。”


BIG会员在2020年8月7日,8pm - 11.59pm之间的优先开放日当天,待产品加入购物车后将自动获得38%折扣(必须登入BIG会员户口)。


  • RM 8 折扣, 最低消费 RM 58; 促销代码: OURSHOP8

  • RM 18 折扣, 最低消费  RM 88; 促销代码: OURSHOP18

  • RM 28 折扣, 最低消费  RM 128; 促销代码: OURSHOP28

OURSHOP在8月8日当天中午12pm - 2pm将举办PowerHour促销。

关于OURSHOP 8.8 Infinite Sale 的更多详情请浏览www.ourshop.com




OURSHOP is an e-commerce marketplace, owned by AirAsia to spur the growth of local products by developing traditional small and medium businesses to be e-commerce ready. To top it all off, shoppers can also earn BIG Points with every successful purchase made, and even use BIG Points to pay for their shopping.

About Teleport

Founded in 2018, Teleport is a wholly-owned venture of AirAsia Group Berhad, building out the cargo and logistics ambitions for AirAsia. Teleport is on a mission to enable everyone - from single merchants to the largest companies - to move goods and e-commerce anywhere in Southeast Asia and beyond. Our own online platforms (under the OURSHOP brands) partner with merchants to deliver creations, food, fresh produce and essentials we love. It should simply work, like magic.  For more information, please visit teleport.asia or our social media on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.