(左起)企业家发展部长拿督斯里Mohd Redzuan Md Yusof于Asean HR Awards 2019颁奖典礼上将奖座颁给亚航办公室设施主管郭德玲,同时由Niagatimes顾问Dato' R. Rajendran见证。
雪邦, 2019年4月5日 - 亚航今日于Asean HR Awards 2019荣获卓越工作场所奖。
企业家发展部长拿督斯里Mohd Redzuan Md Yusof在颁奖典礼上将奖座颁给亚航办公室设施主管郭德玲。
亚航集团人事及文化部总执行员Varun Bhatia说:“我们很荣幸能被认证为以员工及家庭为主的一家企业。如今我们Krista@RedQ的幼儿中心有大约60名员工的小孩,让家长上班的时候能更放心。”
Asean HR Awards是Anugerah Personaliti Industri dan Usahawan Malaysia的一部分,旨在表扬杰出的人力资源人士和雇主。
About Anugerah Personaliti Industri dan Usahawan Malaysia
Anugerah Personaliti Industri & Usahawan Malaysia 2019 was held to recognize the achievements of SMEs and recognised the efforts of other local companies. This prestigious award also takes innovative approaches to recognise the entrepreneurial contributions to the industry and provide a platform to enhance their profile, brand, products and services. Furthermore, the annual award also carries out corporate social responsibility by providing charitable contributions of RM10,000 to selected recipients who require financial support. This award is expected to continue to be the catalyst for the rise of SMEs in developing countries to boost their names in both local and global markets.