杯子里的繁荣: Santan 为农历新年推出独家 “Ong Ong Lai“ 饮品系列

吉隆坡,2024年1月30日 - 为了庆祝即将来临的农历新年,Santan推出了其农历新年限量系列饮料,命名为 “Ong Ong Lai”。该系列以象征繁荣和好运的吉祥菠萝为中心精心设计了一系列的饮品。

“Ong Ong Lai” 系列的饮料将于2024年1月31日上市,经过精心设计,旨在提升农历新年的喜庆气氛,迎接全新及正面的开始。

这独家的 ”Ong Ong Lai” 系列的饮品包括:

旺来花开(Pineapple Jasmine Green Tea)


旺运生椰 (Pineapple Coconut Milk)


美式旺来 (Fizzy Pineapple Americano)


旺来福泡 (Fizzy Pineapple)


Catherine Goh, Santan总经理说道:“农历新年标志着一个新的开始,充满了正面的气氛。Santan 的目标是通过发挥中华传统的创意来迎接龙年。 “Ong Ong Lai” 饮料由 Santan 的专家团队精心调制,结合文化的细微差别,传达丰富、繁荣、成功和祝福。我们诚挚邀请您共享我们独家限量版的饮品,开启一场愉悦的味觉之旅,祝大家农历新年快乐!”

从 2024年1月31日起,“Ong Ong Lai” 系列将在所有亚航和亚航长程航班以及 Santan Cafe 开售。每份售价为12令吉,顾客可额外付10令吉与新推出的系列搭配,以提升您的餐饮品质。此外,农历新年期间,您可以在机上购买该系列的饮料,享受这充满佳节风味的饮料。心动不如行动,售完即止。

About Santan

Santan, the renowned inflight service provider, soared into the skies in 2015, delighting millions of AirAsia guests annually with its famed Pak Nasser’s Nasi Lemak. Formerly known as 'AirAsia Café' (2005), the rebranded 'Santan' in 2018 expanded its offerings to encompass a wider range of Southeast Asian-inspired meals, catering to diverse tastes across AirAsia's extensive network. In 2019, Santan made a groundbreaking move, introducing its inaugural ground-based restaurant to bring its highly sought-after meals to to enthusiastic diners. Dedicated to affordability and premium taste, Santan curates delightful, culturally-infused dishes, celebrating the rich flavors of Southeast Asia while aligning with AirAsia's vision of offering exceptional services at accessible prices. Beyond meals, Santan also extends its offerings to duty-free and merchandise, featuring an enticing array of local and international products, ensuring passengers enjoy the best offers during their travels.