Avolon 与亚航合作在东南亚打造转型共乘平台
亚航航空集团订购 100 架 VX4 eVTOL 无人机
90% 的 Avolon VX4 订单已被下订

都柏林/新加坡,2022 年 2 月 16 日 - 国际飞机租赁公司 Avolon 今天宣布,世界领先的航空公司集团之一亚航航空集团有限公司(亚航)已签署一份不具有约束力的谅解备忘录,租赁至少 100 架 Avolon 的 VX4 eVTOL 飞机。
eVTOL 飞机将为全新的乘客提供先进的空中机动性,使亚航从而进一步改变航空旅行,改变我们在日常生活中更有 效地联系方式。
除了 eVTOL 飞机,Avolon 将通过其投资和创新的子公司 Avolon-e 与亚航合作将零排放 eVTOL 飞机商业化,并在 东南亚开发行业领先的城市空中交通 (‘UAM’) 平台。 Avolon 和亚航将成立一个工作组为 UAM 得到当地认证、研 究潜在市场机会和基础设施要求。亚航还将利用其成功的旅行和生活方式应用程序——亚航超级应用程序给予帮助 和建立与 Avolon 的 eVTOL 共乘平台。
Avolon VX4 订单合约
2021 年 6 月,Avolon 从 Vertical Aerospace(NYSE:EVTL)(“垂直”)订购了500 架 VX4 eVTOL 飞机,价值 20 亿美 元。自宣布该订单以来,Avolon 租赁出 250 架 VX4 飞机到巴西的 Gol 和 Grupo Comporte,多达 100 架飞机到日 本航空公司以及至少 100 架飞机到亚航。因此,Avolon 现已完成其初始订单的 90%,突显了世界领先航空公司对 VX4 飞机的需求。
Avolon 首席执行官 Dómhnal Slattery 评论说:“ Tony Fernandes 是一位航空先驱,他将亚航打造成世界领先的 航空公司之一,现在更创建了东南亚增长最快以旅行为基础的超级应用程序。我们很高兴与亚航合作,因为亚航与 我们有着共同的愿景,即改变航空旅行的未来。我们期待与 Tony 和亚航团队一起携手合作展开他们的 eVTOL 之 旅。我们将共同开发一个共乘平台并利用零排放的 VX4 飞机,将亚航定位为该地区可持续航空旅行的首选运营商。”
Capital A 首席执行官 Tony Fernandes 评论说:“创新一直是我们的 DNA,利用技术寻找更高效和可持续的发展 模式是 Capital A(前亚航集团)的核心关注点。我们现在不仅仅是一家航空公司,在我们的超级应用程序上拥有超 过 20 种产品和服务,包括航班、酒店、食品、零售、配送、召车服务等。我对 Avolon 和亚航之间的合作关系以及在 东南亚实现零排放超短途航空旅行的潜力感到非常兴奋。现在是一个数码时代。到 2025 年,我们认为无人机配送 将成为进一步彻底转变快速发展的电子商务和配送行业的下一个前沿领域。在 VX4 中,我们确定将成为首选的 eVTOL 飞机,我们很高兴成为首个航空公司用于东南亚的飞机。我们也很高兴能扩展我们与 Avolon 的长期合作关 系,Avolon 在为客户提供服务方面有着良好的记录,这与我们成为东盟领先的一站式旅行和配送平台的目标保持一 致。”
Vertical 首席执行官 Stephen Fitzpatrick 评论说:“我们很高兴亚航是最新一家承诺租赁于我们零排放 VX4 飞 机的领先航空公司。亚航提供了许多绝佳的机会让每个人可以在世界上最美丽和多样化的国家旅行,并且我很高兴 我们将为亚洲各地的人们带来零排放航班。”
About VX4 eVTOL Aircraft
VX4 eVTOL Aircraft The four passenger, one pilot VX4 is projected to have speeds up to 200mph, a range over100 miles, near silent when in flight, zero operating emissions and low cost per passenger mile. The VX4 is expected to open up advanced air mobility to a whole new range of passengers and transform how we travel. Find out more: vertical-aerospace.com
About Avolon
Headquartered in Ireland, with offices in the United States, Dubai, Singapore, Hong Kong and Shanghai, Avolon provides aircraft leasing and lease management services. Avolon is 70% owned by an indirect subsidiary of Bohai Leasing Co., Ltd., a public company listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SLE: 000415) and 30% owned by ORIX Aviation Systems, a subsidiary of ORIX Corporation which is listed on the Tokyo and New York Stock Exchanges (TSE: 8591; NYSE: IX). Avolon is the world’s second largest aircraft leasing business with an owned, managed and committed fleet, as of 31 December 2021 of 824 aircraft.
Website: www.avolon.aero
Twitter: @avolon_aero
About Vertical Aerospace
Vertical Aerospace is pioneering electric aviation. The company was founded in 2016 by Stephen Fitzpatrick, an established entrepreneur best known as the founder of the Ovo Group, a leading energy and technology group and Europe’s largest independent energy retailer. Over the past five years, Vertical has focused on building the most experienced and senior team in the eVTOL industry, who have over 1,700 combined years of engineering experience, and have certified and supported over 30 different civil and military aircraft and propulsion systems.
Vertical’s top-tier partner ecosystem is expected to de-risk operational execution and its pathway to certification allows for a lean cost structure and enables production at scale. Vertical has a market-leading pre-order book (by value) for a total of up to 1,350 aircraft from American Airlines, Avolon, Bristow and Iberojet, which includes conditional pre-order options from Virgin Atlantic and Marubeni, and in doing so, is creating multiple potential near term and actionable routes to market.
Vertical’s ordinary shares listed on the NYSE in December 2021 under the ticker “EVTL”. Find out more: vertical-aerospace.com
About AirAsia Aviation Group Ltd (AAAGL)
AAAGL is the holding company that oversees all airlines in Capital A (formerly AirAsia Group Berhad), as well as related international support functions including AirAsia Consulting, shared corporate services division AirAsia SEA, the Santan food group and the ground handling services joint venture business called GTR.
About Capital A
Capital A is an investment holding company with a portfolio of synergistic travel and lifestyle businesses that leverage data and technology to deliver the best value at the lowest cost, supported by high quality data and one of Asia's leading brands that remains committed to serving the underserved.
Website: www.airasia.com capitala.airasia.com
Twitter: @airasia