Pivoting in the face of pandemic

The ability to pivot your business in times of crisis is now more important than ever. This pandemic is one of the toughest global economic challenges we have ever faced with many sectors affected, especially aviation and tourism. In today’s continuously changing business environment, constantly affected by unpredictable external factors, it is the human assets that can differentiate a company from its competition. Truly, what makes airasia great is its people. As Tan Sri Tony Fernandes, CEO of airasia group always says “Our greatest asset is our people.”

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English, StoriesM ASepang

如今,在危難時期業務發展的適應能力比以往任何時候都更為重要。這場全球疫情大流行是我們許多受影響行業(猶其是航空和旅遊業)面臨的最嚴峻的全球經濟挑戰之一。在當今瞬息萬變的商業環境中,不斷受到不可預測的外部因素影響,正是人力資源才能使公司從競爭中脫穎而出。的確,使AirAsia不斷前進的就是每位員工。正如AirAsia集團首席執行官丹斯里·托尼·費爾南德斯(Tan Sri Tony Fernandes)經常說的那樣:「我們最大的資產就是我們的員工。」

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AirAsia brings “Star of Hope”, mounts mercy flight to typhoon stricken Catanduanes

The Feast of Immaculate Conception signals the official start of the Christmas season in many Christian countries including the Philippines. And what better way to kick off this month-long celebration of gift giving than to bring in the needed help to our brothers and sisters in Catanduanes, among the hardest hit by Typhoon Rolly (Goni) and Ulysses.

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AVA sedia membantu anda pada bila-bila masa

Sejak bermulanya pandemik ini, bot sembang AirAsia yang dikuasakan oleh kecerdasan buatan (AI), AVA (AirAsia Virtual Allstar) telah menerima lebih daripada 45 juta pertanyaan. Jumlah ini lebih besar daripada seluruh rakyat Malaysia dan melebihi lima kali ganda jumlah yang diterima oleh AVA dalam tempoh yang sama pada tahun lalu.

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Bahasa Malaysia, StoriesM ASepang