Posts in Airlines
에어아시아ꞏ캐피털 A, 2024년 1분기 운영 실적 발표

아시아 최대 저비용항공사 에어아시아와 모회사인 캐피털 A가 올해의 첫 1분기(1Q24)의 운영 실적 통계를 잇달아 발표했다. 항공 사업 부문에서 에어아시아는 해외여행 수요의 증대에 따라 국가별 항공사를 통틀어 1,540만 명의 승객 수송을 달성했으며, 탑승률 또한 90%에 달하는 성장세를 나타냈다. 캐피털 A 또한 주력 사업 분야인 디지털, 화물, 항공 서비스 전반에 걸쳐 준수한 성적표를 거뒀다.

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Dreams take flight: AirAsia Philippines celebrates World Pilots Day with mass pilot recruitment

Pilots, the unsung heroes of the aviation industry, bring millions of guests safely to their destinations every day. Recognizing their invaluable role and as part of the often-overlooked World Pilots’ Day in the country, AirAsia Philippines proudly celebrated by hosting a one-day mass pilot recruitment.

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AirAsia Philippines eyes more direct flights to Boracay to decongest Manila

Boracay is gearing up to show that there are more opportunities to explore beyond what meets the eye. At the recent Boracay Business Forum, Asean ambassadors and representatives from both public and private sectors gathered to call for preserving the island's pristine beauty for the years to come while positioning it as a premier tourist and investment hub.

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