Airbus' Deferred Prosecution Agreement

AirAsia refers to the article entitled “AirAsia directors/staff got RM240 mil bribe from Airbus, court docs say” on the website, as well as other articles in the press regarding the Deferred Prosecution Agreement entered into by Airbus SE and the U.K. Serious Fraud Office (SFO) on 31 January 2020.  At the outset, AirAsia wishes to clearly state that it was neither involved in any way whatsoever with the SFO’s investigation of Airbus nor given any opportunity to provide any information or clarification to the SFO.

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Global, EnglishM ASepang


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[Informasi terkini hingga 24 Januari 2020 pukul 12:00 WIB] AirAsia batalkan penerbangan ke dan dari Wuhan; Ubah jadwal diperbolehkan untuk kota lainnya di Tiongkok

Menindaklanjuti arahan Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) terkait penanganan Wuhan novel coronavirus, AirAsia kini menawarkan kompensasi bagi penumpang yang ingin mengatur ulang perjalanannya ke/ dari seluruh kota di Tiongkok tanpa tambahan biaya, sesuai dengan ketersediaan kursi. 

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